Pull Up Rigs
Vulcan Pull Up Rigs can be found in some CrossFit® gyms as well as commercial gyms and fitness centers who want to add group Cross Training classes to their offerings. Vulcan Pull Up Rigs are also being utilized for the Army Combat Fitness Test
Elite Freestanding Pull Up Rigs Elite Freestanding Rigs are constructed of 3x3" steel with 5/8" Hardware. Freestanding options from 4' to 24' and beyond. All Elite rig attachments are modular and interchangeable. These rigs can be used for any application: Military, Police, Fire training centers, College or High School gyms, CrossFit Gyms, Commercial Gyms, etc.
Elite Wall Mounted Pull Up RigsVulcan Elite Wall Mounted Pull Up Rigs provide a space saving alternative to Freestanding Rigs. 3x3' uprights, 5/8" hardware, and 1" attachment holes. 7"x7" base minimize swaying and rocking. Multiple configurations are available or choose to customize.
Elite Rig Attachments & Accessories
Elite Rig Attachments can be used on all Vulcan 3x3" Rigs and Power Racks. Grip attachments, Safety Spotters, Multiple pull up bars, Weight Plate Holders, Bar Holders, And Storage units are all available in black low gloss Powder Coat Finish to match our Rigs and Racks. Attachments can be added to rigs and racks on their product pages as options and ship free when added before check out.